Yugozapadna Treta liga 2023/24 - Round 13 - Statistics

Kostinbrod 2-3 FK CSKA 1948 III

    time: 10 February 2024, Saturday, 14:00 EET
   place: "Georgi Benkovski" st., kv.Maslovo, Kostinbrod

 referee: Stanimir Trenchev (Sofia); assistants: Georgi Minev (Sofia), Darin V.Ivanov (Sofia); fourth official: Georgi Spasov (Sofia)
    kits: blue, blue, blue (white numbers) ; red w/ black-white edging on the sleeves, red, red (white numbers)
captains: 1.Valentin Galev (GK) ; 5.Teodor V.Ivanov

   Kost.: 1.Valentin Galev (GK) (c) - 3.Petyo Iv.Ivanov, 7.Georgi Iliev, 6.Stefan Temelkov, 28.Boris Krastev,
          10.Stefan Metodiev, 70.Daniel R.Georgiev, 88.Borislav Budinov, 16.Kaloyan Bonev, 11.Preslav Nikolov, 14.Georgi P.Bozhilov.
   bench: 23.Simeon Tasev (GK) - 17.Aleksandar Dobchev,
          18.Georgi Tsv.Todorov, 19.Veselin Georgiev, 27.Dimitar M.Dimitrov.
   coach: Hristo Koilov

 Ts 1948: 12.Bozhidar Petrov (GK) - 22.Milen Voynov, 5.Teodor V.Ivanov (c), 3.Rosen Bozhinov, 4.Adriyan Todorov,
          14.Martin Zimbilev, 20.Martin Atanasov, 8.Kristiyan Boychev, 10.Sevi Idriz, 11.Kaloyan Strinski, 9.Vasil Dimitrov.
   bench: 1.Antoni Nikolov (GK) - 6.Valentin Karchev, 7.Hristiyan Tsvetkov,
          15.Samuil Mechev, 16.Zhivodar Zhekov, 21.Stiliyan Rangelov, 27.Petar B.Georgiev.
   coach: Hristiyan Voynov

0-1 - 5 - 9.Vasil Dimitrov
 yc - 21 - 10.Stefan Metodiev kos
0-2 - 22 - 8.Kristiyan Boychev
 yc - 42 - 3.Petyo Iv.Ivanov kos
    + 1 min
sub - ht - 17.Aleksandar Dobchev on 28.Boris Krastev kos
sub - ht - 21.Stiliyan Rangelov on 4.Adriyan Todorov t48
 yc - 54 - 7.Georgi Iliev kos
0-3 - 56 - 9.Vasil Dimitrov
 yc - 60 - 6.Stefan Temelkov kos
 yc - 62 - 70.Daniel R.Georgiev kos
 yc - 64 - 10.Sevi Idriz t48
sub - 65 - '1 15.Samuil Mechev on 10.Sevi Idriz t48
1-3 - 66 - 88.Borislav Budinov
sub - 69 - '1 27.Dimitar M.Dimitrov on 11.Preslav Nikolov kos
 yc - 71 - 5.Teodor V.Ivanov t48
sub - 75 - '2 7.Hristiyan Tsvetkov on 11.Kaloyan Strinski t48
 yc - 81 - 6.Stefan Temelkov kos
 rc - 81 - 6.Stefan Temelkov kos (second yellow card) 
sub - 86 - '3 6.Valentin Karchev on 8.Kristiyan Boychev t48
 yc - 88 - 6.Valentin Karchev t48
2-3 - 90+3 - 16.Kaloyan Bonev
    + 4 min

abbreviations and event notes

Abbreviations and event notes:
 yc - yellow card
 rc - red card
sub - substitution
'1/'2/'3 - the substitution is part of the first/second/third allowed break for substitutions for the respective team
same position - the substitution does not lead to any tactical changes
lws - left without a substitute (usually due to injury after all allowed substitutions are used by the team)
tct - a change to a team's tactical formation
cap - new captain
 mp - missed penalty
ref - new referee (usually following an injury)
 ar - new assistant referee (usually following an injury)
var - beginning and end of a VAR review and the decisions it yielded
cnc - cancelled event (usually following a var review)
 ht - the event takes place during the half-time break
 br - the event takes place during the break between extra time periods
pen - the event takes place during the penalty shoot-out
 ft - the event takes place after full time
stp - the match is stopped
res - the match is resumed
abd - the match is abandoned
+ X min. - there have been X minutes of added time played for that half

about penalty kick direction notes - the point of view of the penalty taker is always considered, with the goal being divided into 6 areas,
in which the ball can be directed to - upper left, upper middle, upper right, lower left, lower middle and lower right; 
while the penalty kick might be either placed (i.e. weaker shot) or taken with force.
