Yugozapadna Treta liga 2024/25

« Yugozapadna Treta liga 2024/25

| Results grid | Rankings |

Rounds: | 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 |
        | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 |

                           Current matches:

3 August 2024, Saturday, 18:00 EEST / Round 1:
Pirin 1941 (Razlog) - Bansko team (Bansko)                 - 
Slavia 1913 II (Sofia) - Vihren (Sandanski)                - 
CSKA III (Sofia) - Pirin 1912 (Gotse Delchev)              - 
Septemvri (Simitli) - Oborishte (Panagyurishte)            - 
Pirin 22 II (Blagoevgrad) - Kyustendil (Kyustendil)        - 
Levski II (Sofia) - Botev 1937 (Ihtiman)                   - 
Septemvri II (Sofia) - Granit (Vladaya)                    - 
Balkan 1929 (Botevgrad) - FK CSKA 1948 III (Sofia)         - 
Vitosha (Bistritsa) - Rilski sportist 2011 (Samokov)       - 


                                        M    W   D   L    GD      P

1. Balkan 1929 (Botevgrad) 0 0 0 0 0:0 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------- . Bansko team (Bansko) 0 0 0 0 0:0 0 . Botev 1937 (Ihtiman) 0 0 0 0 0:0 0 . Vitosha (Bistritsa, obl.Sofia st.) 0 0 0 0 0:0 0 . Vihren (Sandanski) 0 0 0 0 0:0 0 . Granit (Vladaya) 0 0 0 0 0:0 0 [+] . Kyustendil (Kyustendil) 0 0 0 0 0:0 0 . Levski II (Sofia) 0 0 0 0 0:0 0 . Oborishte (Panagyurishte) 0 0 0 0 0:0 0 . Pirin 1912 (Gotse Delchev) 0 0 0 0 0:0 0 [+] . Pirin 1941 (Razlog) 0 0 0 0 0:0 0 . Pirin 22 II (Blagoevgrad) 0 0 0 0 0:0 0 [+][*] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . Rilski sportist 2011 (Samokov) 0 0 0 0 0:0 0 . Septemvri (Simitli) 0 0 0 0 0:0 0 . Septemvri II (Sofia) 0 0 0 0 0:0 0 . Slavia 1913 II (Sofia) 0 0 0 0 0:0 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------- . Slivnishki geroy (Slivnitsa) 0 0 0 0 0:0 0 . FK CSKA 1948 III (Sofia) 0 0 0 0 0:0 0 . CSKA III (Sofia) 0 0 0 0 0:0 0 [+][*]
Notes - Vitosha (Bistritsa) plays its home games at the "Letishte" st. in Sofia. - Levski II (Sofia) plays its home games at the "Georgi Asparuhov" st. - field 2 in Sofia. - Pirin 22 II (Blagoevgrad) plays its home games at the "Musala" st. in Rila. - Septemvri II (Sofia) plays its home games in German. - Slavia 1913 II (Sofia) plays its home games at the "Aleksandar Shalamanov" st. - auxiliary field in Sofia. - FK CSKA 1948 III (Sofia) plays its home games at the "NSA" st. in Sofia. - CSKA III (Sofia) plays its home games at the "Pancharevo" complex in Sofia. Round 1 3 August 2024, Saturday, 18:00 EEST: Pirin 1941 (Razlog) - Bansko team (Bansko) - Slavia 1913 II (Sofia) - Vihren (Sandanski) - CSKA III (Sofia) - Pirin 1912 (Gotse Delchev) - Septemvri (Simitli) - Oborishte (Panagyurishte) - Pirin 22 II (Blagoevgrad) - Kyustendil (Kyustendil) - Levski II (Sofia) - Botev 1937 (Ihtiman) - Septemvri II (Sofia) - Granit (Vladaya) - Balkan 1929 (Botevgrad) - FK CSKA 1948 III (Sofia) - Vitosha (Bistritsa) - Rilski sportist 2011 (Samokov) - Slivnishki geroy (Slivnitsa) bye Round 2 10 August 2024, Saturday, 18:00 EEST: FK CSKA 1948 III (Sofia) - Vitosha (Bistritsa) - Granit (Vladaya) - Balkan 1929 (Botevgrad) - Botev 1937 (Ihtiman) - Septemvri II (Sofia) - Kyustendil (Kyustendil) - Levski II (Sofia) - Oborishte (Panagyurishte) - Pirin 22 II (Blagoevgrad) - Pirin 1912 (Gotse Delchev) - Septemvri (Simitli) - Vihren (Sandanski) - CSKA III (Sofia) - Bansko team (Bansko) - Slavia 1913 II (Sofia) - Slivnishki geroy (Slivnitsa) - Pirin 1941 (Razlog) - Rilski sportist 2011 (Samokov) bye Round 3 14 August 2024, Wednesday, 18:00 EEST: Slavia 1913 II (Sofia) - Slivnishki geroy (Slivnitsa) - CSKA III (Sofia) - Bansko team (Bansko) - Septemvri (Simitli) - Vihren (Sandanski) - Pirin 22 II (Blagoevgrad) - Pirin 1912 (Gotse Delchev) - Levski II (Sofia) - Oborishte (Panagyurishte) - Septemvri II (Sofia) - Kyustendil (Kyustendil) - Balkan 1929 (Botevgrad) - Botev 1937 (Ihtiman) - Vitosha (Bistritsa, obl.Sofia st.) - Granit (Vladaya) - Rilski sportist 2011 (Sam) - FK CSKA 1948 III (Sofia) - Pirin 1941 (Razlog) bye Round 4 17 August 2024, Saturday, 18:00 EEST: Granit (Vladaya) - Rilski sportist 2011 (Samokov) - Botev 1937 (Ihtiman) - Vitosha (Bistritsa) - Kyustendil (Kyustendil) - Balkan 1929 (Botevgrad) - Oborishte (Panagyurishte) - Septemvri II (Sofia) - Pirin 1912 (Gotse Delchev) - Levski II (Sofia) - Vihren (Sandanski) - Pirin 22 II (Blagoevgrad) - Bansko team (Bansko) - Septemvri (Simitli) - Slivnishki geroy (Slivnitsa) - CSKA III (Sofia) - Pirin 1941 (Razlog) - Slavia 1913 II (Sofia) - FK CSKA 1948 III (Sofia) bye Round 5 24 August 2024, Saturday, 18:00 EEST: CSKA III (Sofia) - Pirin 1941 (Razlog) - Septemvri (Simitli) - Slivnishki geroy (Slivnitsa) - Pirin 22 II (Blagoevgrad) - Bansko team (Bansko) - Levski II (Sofia) - Vihren (Sandanski) - Septemvri II (Sofia) - Pirin 1912 (Gotse Delchev) - Balkan 1929 (Botevgrad) - Oborishte (Panagyurishte) - Vitosha (Bistritsa) - Kyustendil (Kyustendil) - Rilski sportist 2011 (Samokov) - Botev 1937 (Ihtiman) - FK CSKA 1948 III (Sofia) - Granit (Vladaya) - Slavia 1913 II (Sofia) bye Round 6 31 August 2024, Saturday, 18:00 EEST: Botev 1937 (Ihtiman) - FK CSKA 1948 III (Sofia) - Kyustendil (Kyustendil) - Rilski sportist 2011 (Sam) - Oborishte (Panagyurishte) - Vitosha (Bistritsa) - Pirin 1912 (Gotse Delchev) - Balkan 1929 (Botevgrad) - Vihren (Sandanski) - Septemvri II (Sofia) - Bansko team (Bansko) - Levski II (Sofia) - Slivnishki geroy (Slivnitsa) - Pirin 22 II (Blagoevgrad) - Pirin 1941 (Razlog) - Septemvri (Simitli) - Slavia 1913 II (Sofia) - CSKA III (Sofia) - Granit (Vladaya) bye Round 7 4 September 2024, Wednesday, 17:00 EEST: Septemvri (Simitli) - Slavia 1913 II (Sofia) - Pirin 22 II (Blagoevgrad) - Pirin 1941 (Razlog) - Levski II (Sofia) - Slivnishki geroy (Slivnitsa) - Septemvri II (Sofia) - Bansko team (Bansko) - Balkan 1929 (Botevgrad) - Vihren (Sandanski) - Vitosha (Bistritsa) - Pirin 1912 (Gotse Delchev) - Rilski sportist 2011 (Sam) - Oborishte (Panagyurishte) - FK CSKA 1948 III (Sofia) - Kyustendil (Kyustendil) - Granit (Vladaya) - Botev 1937 (Ihtiman) - CSKA III (Sofia) bye Round 8 7 September 2024, Saturday, 17:00 EEST: Kyustendil (Kyustendil) - Granit (Vladaya) - Oborishte (Panagyurishte) - FK CSKA 1948 III (Sofia) - Pirin 1912 (Gotse Delchev) - Rilski sportist 2011 (Sam) - Vihren (Sandanski) - Vitosha (Bistritsa, obl.Sofia st.) - Bansko team (Bansko) - Balkan 1929 (Botevgrad) - Slivnishki geroy (Slivnitsa) - Septemvri II (Sofia) - Pirin 1941 (Razlog) - Levski II (Sofia) - Slavia 1913 II (Sofia) - Pirin 22 II (Blagoevgrad) - CSKA III (Sofia) - Septemvri (Simitli) - Botev 1937 (Ihtiman) bye Round 9 14 September 2024, Saturday, 17:00 EEST: Pirin 22 II (Blagoevgrad) - CSKA III (Sofia) - Levski II (Sofia) - Slavia 1913 II (Sofia) - Septemvri II (Sofia) - Pirin 1941 (Razlog) - Balkan 1929 (Botevgrad) - Slivnishki geroy (Slivnitsa) - Vitosha (Bistritsa) - Bansko team (Bansko) - Rilski sportist 2011 (Samokov) - Vihren (Sandanski) - FK CSKA 1948 III (Sofia) - Pirin 1912 (Gotse Delchev) - Granit (Vladaya) - Oborishte (Panagyurishte) - Botev 1937 (Ihtiman) - Kyustendil (Kyustendil) - Septemvri (Simitli) bye Round 10 21 September 2024, Saturday, 17:00 EEST: Oborishte (Panagyurishte) - Botev 1937 (Ihtiman) - Pirin 1912 (Gotse Delchev) - Granit (Vladaya) - Vihren (Sandanski) - FK CSKA 1948 III (Sofia) - Bansko team (Bansko) - Rilski sportist 2011 (Samokov) - Slivnishki geroy (Slivnitsa) - Vitosha (Bistritsa) - Pirin 1941 (Razlog) - Balkan 1929 (Botevgrad) - Slavia 1913 II (Sofia) - Septemvri II (Sofia) - CSKA III (Sofia) - Levski II (Sofia) - Septemvri (Simitli) - Pirin 22 II (Blagoevgrad) - Kyustendil (Kyustendil) bye Round 11 28 September 2024, Saturday, 17:00 EEST: Levski II (Sofia) - Septemvri (Simitli) - Septemvri II (Sofia) - CSKA III (Sofia) - Balkan 1929 (Botevgrad) - Slavia 1913 II (Sofia) - Vitosha (Bistritsa) - Pirin 1941 (Razlog) - Rilski sportist 2011 (Sam) - Slivnishki geroy (Slivnitsa) - FK CSKA 1948 III (Sofia) - Bansko team (Bansko) - Granit (Vladaya) - Vihren (Sandanski) - Botev 1937 (Ihtiman) - Pirin 1912 (Gotse Delchev) - Kyustendil (Kyustendil) - Oborishte (Panagyurishte) - Pirin 22 II (Blagoevgrad) bye Round 12 5 October 2024, Saturday, 16:00 EEST: Pirin 1912 (Gotse Delchev) - Kyustendil (Kyustendil) - Vihren (Sandanski) - Botev 1937 (Ihtiman) - Bansko team (Bansko) - Granit (Vladaya) - Slivnishki geroy (Slivnitsa) - FK CSKA 1948 III (Sofia) - Pirin 1941 (Razlog) - Rilski sportist 2011 (Samokov) - Slavia 1913 II (Sofia) - Vitosha (Bistritsa) - CSKA III (Sofia) - Balkan 1929 (Botevgrad) - Septemvri (Simitli) - Septemvri II (Sofia) - Pirin 22 II (Blagoevgrad) - Levski II (Sofia) - Oborishte (Panagyurishte) bye Round 13 12 October 2024, Saturday, 16:00 EEST: Septemvri II (Sofia) - Pirin 22 II (Blagoevgrad) - Balkan 1929 (Botevgrad) - Septemvri (Simitli) - Vitosha (Bistritsa, obl.Sofia st.) - CSKA III (Sofia) - Rilski sportist 2011 (Samokov) - Slavia 1913 II (Sofia) - FK CSKA 1948 III (Sofia) - Pirin 1941 (Razlog) - Granit (Vladaya) - Slivnishki geroy (Slivnitsa) - Botev 1937 (Ihtiman) - Bansko team (Bansko) - Kyustendil (Kyustendil) - Vihren (Sandanski) - Oborishte (Panagyurishte) - Pirin 1912 (Gotse Delchev) - Levski II (Sofia) bye Round 14 19 October 2024, Saturday, 16:00 EEST: Vihren (Sandanski) - Oborishte (Panagyurishte) - Bansko team (Bansko) - Kyustendil (Kyustendil) - Slivnishki geroy (Slivnitsa) - Botev 1937 (Ihtiman) - Pirin 1941 (Razlog) - Granit (Vladaya) - Slavia 1913 II (Sofia) - FK CSKA 1948 III (Sofia) - CSKA III (Sofia) - Rilski sportist 2011 (Samokov) - Septemvri (Simitli) - Vitosha (Bistritsa) - Pirin 22 II (Blagoevgrad) - Balkan 1929 (Botevgrad) - Levski II (Sofia) - Septemvri II (Sofia) - Pirin 1912 (Gotse Delchev) bye Round 15 26 October 2024, Saturday, 16:00 EEST: Balkan 1929 (Botevgrad) - Levski II (Sofia) - Vitosha (Bistritsa) - Pirin 22 II (Blagoevgrad) - Rilski sportist 2011 (Samokov) - Septemvri (Simitli) - FK CSKA 1948 III (Sofia) - CSKA III (Sofia) - Granit (Vladaya) - Slavia 1913 II (Sofia) - Botev 1937 (Ihtiman) - Pirin 1941 (Razlog) - Kyustendil (Kyustendil) - Slivnishki geroy (Slivnitsa) - Oborishte (Panagyurishte) - Bansko team (Bansko) - Pirin 1912 (Gotse Delchev) - Vihren (Sandanski) - Septemvri II (Sofia) bye Round 16 2 November 2024, Saturday, 14:00 EET: Bansko team (Bansko) - Pirin 1912 (Gotse Delchev) - Slivnishki geroy (Slivnitsa) - Oborishte (Panagyurishte) - Pirin 1941 (Razlog) - Kyustendil (Kyustendil) - Slavia 1913 II (Sofia) - Botev 1937 (Ihtiman) - CSKA III (Sofia) - Granit (Vladaya) - Septemvri (Simitli) - FK CSKA 1948 III (Sofia) - Pirin 22 II (Blagoevgrad) - Rilski sportist 2011 (Sam) - Levski II (Sofia) - Vitosha (Bistritsa, obl.Sofia st.) - Septemvri II (Sofia) - Balkan 1929 (Botevgrad) - Vihren (Sandanski) bye Round 17 9 November 2024, Saturday, 14:00 EET: Vitosha (Bistritsa) - Septemvri II (Sofia) - Rilski sportist 2011 (Samokov) - Levski II (Sofia) - FK CSKA 1948 III (Sofia) - Pirin 22 II (Blagoevgrad) - Granit (Vladaya) - Septemvri (Simitli) - Botev 1937 (Ihtiman) - CSKA III (Sofia) - Kyustendil (Kyustendil) - Slavia 1913 II (Sofia) - Oborishte (Panagyurishte) - Pirin 1941 (Razlog) - Pirin 1912 (Gotse Delchev) - Slivnishki geroy (Slivnitsa) - Vihren (Sandanski) - Bansko team (Bansko) - Balkan 1929 (Botevgrad) bye Round 18 16 November 2024, Saturday, 14:00 EET: Slivnishki geroy (Slivnitsa) - Vihren (Sandanski) - Pirin 1941 (Razlog) - Pirin 1912 (Gotse Delchev) - Slavia 1913 II (Sofia) - Oborishte (Panagyurishte) - CSKA III (Sofia) - Kyustendil (Kyustendil) - Septemvri (Simitli) - Botev 1937 (Ihtiman) - Pirin 22 II (Blagoevgrad) - Granit (Vladaya) - Levski II (Sofia) - FK CSKA 1948 III (Sofia) - Septemvri II (Sofia) - Rilski sportist 2011 (Samokov) - Balkan 1929 (Botevgrad) - Vitosha (Bistritsa) - Bansko team (Bansko) bye Round 19 23 November 2024, Saturday, 14:00 EET: Rilski sportist 2011 (Sam) - Balkan 1929 (Botevgrad) - FK CSKA 1948 III (Sofia) - Septemvri II (Sofia) - Granit (Vladaya) - Levski II (Sofia) - Botev 1937 (Ihtiman) - Pirin 22 II (Blagoevgrad) - Kyustendil (Kyustendil) - Septemvri (Simitli) - Oborishte (Panagyurishte) - CSKA III (Sofia) - Pirin 1912 (Gotse Delchev) - Slavia 1913 II (Sofia) - Vihren (Sandanski) - Pirin 1941 (Razlog) - Bansko team (Bansko) - Slivnishki geroy (Slivnitsa) - Vitosha (Bistritsa, obl.Sofia st.) bye Round 20 Bansko team (Bansko) - Pirin 1941 (Razlog) - Vihren (Sandanski) - Slavia 1913 II (Sofia) - Pirin 1912 (Gotse Delchev) - CSKA III (Sofia) - Oborishte (Panagyurishte) - Septemvri (Simitli) - Kyustendil (Kyustendil) - Pirin 22 II (Blagoevgrad) - Botev 1937 (Ihtiman) - Levski II (Sofia) - Granit (Vladaya) - Septemvri II (Sofia) - FK CSKA 1948 III (Sofia) - Balkan 1929 (Botevgrad) - Rilski sportist 2011 (Samokov) - Vitosha (Bistritsa) - Slivnishki geroy (Slivnitsa) bye Round 21 Vitosha (Bistritsa) - FK CSKA 1948 III (Sofia) - Balkan 1929 (Botevgrad) - Granit (Vladaya) - Septemvri II (Sofia) - Botev 1937 (Ihtiman) - Levski II (Sofia) - Kyustendil (Kyustendil) - Pirin 22 II (Blagoevgrad) - Oborishte (Panagyurishte) - Septemvri (Simitli) - Pirin 1912 (Gotse Delchev) - CSKA III (Sofia) - Vihren (Sandanski) - Slavia 1913 II (Sofia) - Bansko team (Bansko) - Pirin 1941 (Razlog) - Slivnishki geroy (Slivnitsa) - Rilski sportist 2011 (Samokov) bye Round 22 Slivnishki geroy (Slivnitsa) - Slavia 1913 II (Sofia) - Bansko team (Bansko) - CSKA III (Sofia) - Vihren (Sandanski) - Septemvri (Simitli) - Pirin 1912 (Gotse Delchev) - Pirin 22 II (Blagoevgrad) - Oborishte (Panagyurishte) - Levski II (Sofia) - Kyustendil (Kyustendil) - Septemvri II (Sofia) - Botev 1937 (Ihtiman) - Balkan 1929 (Botevgrad) - Granit (Vladaya) - Vitosha (Bistritsa, obl.Sofia st.) - FK CSKA 1948 III (Sofia) - Rilski sportist 2011 (Sam) - Pirin 1941 (Razlog) bye Round 23 Rilski sportist 2011 (Samokov) - Granit (Vladaya) - Vitosha (Bistritsa) - Botev 1937 (Ihtiman) - Balkan 1929 (Botevgrad) - Kyustendil (Kyustendil) - Septemvri II (Sofia) - Oborishte (Panagyurishte) - Levski II (Sofia) - Pirin 1912 (Gotse Delchev) - Pirin 22 II (Blagoevgrad) - Vihren (Sandanski) - Septemvri (Simitli) - Bansko team (Bansko) - CSKA III (Sofia) - Slivnishki geroy (Slivnitsa) - Slavia 1913 II (Sofia) - Pirin 1941 (Razlog) - FK CSKA 1948 III (Sofia) bye Round 24 Pirin 1941 (Razlog) - CSKA III (Sofia) - Slivnishki geroy (Slivnitsa) - Septemvri (Simitli) - Bansko team (Bansko) - Pirin 22 II (Blagoevgrad) - Vihren (Sandanski) - Levski II (Sofia) - Pirin 1912 (Gotse Delchev) - Septemvri II (Sofia) - Oborishte (Panagyurishte) - Balkan 1929 (Botevgrad) - Kyustendil (Kyustendil) - Vitosha (Bistritsa) - Botev 1937 (Ihtiman) - Rilski sportist 2011 (Samokov) - Granit (Vladaya) - FK CSKA 1948 III (Sofia) - Slavia 1913 II (Sofia) bye Round 25 FK CSKA 1948 III (Sofia) - Botev 1937 (Ihtiman) - Rilski sportist 2011 (Sam) - Kyustendil (Kyustendil) - Vitosha (Bistritsa) - Oborishte (Panagyurishte) - Balkan 1929 (Botevgrad) - Pirin 1912 (Gotse Delchev) - Septemvri II (Sofia) - Vihren (Sandanski) - Levski II (Sofia) - Bansko team (Bansko) - Pirin 22 II (Blagoevgrad) - Slivnishki geroy (Slivnitsa) - Septemvri (Simitli) - Pirin 1941 (Razlog) - CSKA III (Sofia) - Slavia 1913 II (Sofia) - Granit (Vladaya) bye Round 26 Slavia 1913 II (Sofia) - Septemvri (Simitli) - Pirin 1941 (Razlog) - Pirin 22 II (Blagoevgrad) - Slivnishki geroy (Slivnitsa) - Levski II (Sofia) - Bansko team (Bansko) - Septemvri II (Sofia) - Vihren (Sandanski) - Balkan 1929 (Botevgrad) - Pirin 1912 (Gotse Delchev) - Vitosha (Bistritsa) - Oborishte (Panagyurishte) - Rilski sportist 2011 (Sam) - Kyustendil (Kyustendil) - FK CSKA 1948 III (Sofia) - Botev 1937 (Ihtiman) - Granit (Vladaya) - CSKA III (Sofia) bye Round 27 Granit (Vladaya) - Kyustendil (Kyustendil) - FK CSKA 1948 III (Sofia) - Oborishte (Panagyurishte) - Rilski sportist 2011 (Sam) - Pirin 1912 (Gotse Delchev) - Vitosha (Bistritsa, obl.Sofia st.) - Vihren (Sandanski) - Balkan 1929 (Botevgrad) - Bansko team (Bansko) - Septemvri II (Sofia) - Slivnishki geroy (Slivnitsa) - Levski II (Sofia) - Pirin 1941 (Razlog) - Pirin 22 II (Blagoevgrad) - Slavia 1913 II (Sofia) - Septemvri (Simitli) - CSKA III (Sofia) - Botev 1937 (Ihtiman) bye Round 28 CSKA III (Sofia) - Pirin 22 II (Blagoevgrad) - Slavia 1913 II (Sofia) - Levski II (Sofia) - Pirin 1941 (Razlog) - Septemvri II (Sofia) - Slivnishki geroy (Slivnitsa) - Balkan 1929 (Botevgrad) - Bansko team (Bansko) - Vitosha (Bistritsa) - Vihren (Sandanski) - Rilski sportist 2011 (Samokov) - Pirin 1912 (Gotse Delchev) - FK CSKA 1948 III (Sofia) - Oborishte (Panagyurishte) - Granit (Vladaya) - Kyustendil (Kyustendil) - Botev 1937 (Ihtiman) - Septemvri (Simitli) bye Round 29 Botev 1937 (Ihtiman) - Oborishte (Panagyurishte) - Granit (Vladaya) - Pirin 1912 (Gotse Delchev) - FK CSKA 1948 III (Sofia) - Vihren (Sandanski) - Rilski sportist 2011 (Samokov) - Bansko team (Bansko) - Vitosha (Bistritsa) - Slivnishki geroy (Slivnitsa) - Balkan 1929 (Botevgrad) - Pirin 1941 (Razlog) - Septemvri II (Sofia) - Slavia 1913 II (Sofia) - Levski II (Sofia) - CSKA III (Sofia) - Pirin 22 II (Blagoevgrad) - Septemvri (Simitli) - Kyustendil (Kyustendil) bye Round 30 Septemvri (Simitli) - Levski II (Sofia) - CSKA III (Sofia) - Septemvri II (Sofia) - Slavia 1913 II (Sofia) - Balkan 1929 (Botevgrad) - Pirin 1941 (Razlog) - Vitosha (Bistritsa) - Slivnishki geroy (Slivnitsa) - Rilski sportist 2011 (Sam) - Bansko team (Bansko) - FK CSKA 1948 III (Sofia) - Vihren (Sandanski) - Granit (Vladaya) - Pirin 1912 (Gotse Delchev) - Botev 1937 (Ihtiman) - Oborishte (Panagyurishte) - Kyustendil (Kyustendil) - Pirin 22 II (Blagoevgrad) bye Round 31 Kyustendil (Kyustendil) - Pirin 1912 (Gotse Delchev) - Botev 1937 (Ihtiman) - Vihren (Sandanski) - Granit (Vladaya) - Bansko team (Bansko) - FK CSKA 1948 III (Sofia) - Slivnishki geroy (Slivnitsa) - Rilski sportist 2011 (Samokov) - Pirin 1941 (Razlog) - Vitosha (Bistritsa) - Slavia 1913 II (Sofia) - Balkan 1929 (Botevgrad) - CSKA III (Sofia) - Septemvri II (Sofia) - Septemvri (Simitli) - Levski II (Sofia) - Pirin 22 II (Blagoevgrad) - Oborishte (Panagyurishte) bye Round 32 Pirin 22 II (Blagoevgrad) - Septemvri II (Sofia) - Septemvri (Simitli) - Balkan 1929 (Botevgrad) - CSKA III (Sofia) - Vitosha (Bistritsa, obl.Sofia st.) - Slavia 1913 II (Sofia) - Rilski sportist 2011 (Samokov) - Pirin 1941 (Razlog) - FK CSKA 1948 III (Sofia) - Slivnishki geroy (Slivnitsa) - Granit (Vladaya) - Bansko team (Bansko) - Botev 1937 (Ihtiman) - Vihren (Sandanski) - Kyustendil (Kyustendil) - Pirin 1912 (Gotse Delchev) - Oborishte (Panagyurishte) - Levski II (Sofia) bye Round 33 Oborishte (Panagyurishte) - Vihren (Sandanski) - Kyustendil (Kyustendil) - Bansko team (Bansko) - Botev 1937 (Ihtiman) - Slivnishki geroy (Slivnitsa) - Granit (Vladaya) - Pirin 1941 (Razlog) - FK CSKA 1948 III (Sofia) - Slavia 1913 II (Sofia) - Rilski sportist 2011 (Samokov) - CSKA III (Sofia) - Vitosha (Bistritsa) - Septemvri (Simitli) - Balkan 1929 (Botevgrad) - Pirin 22 II (Blagoevgrad) - Septemvri II (Sofia) - Levski II (Sofia) - Pirin 1912 (Gotse Delchev) bye Round 34 Levski II (Sofia) - Balkan 1929 (Botevgrad) - Pirin 22 II (Blagoevgrad) - Vitosha (Bistritsa) - Septemvri (Simitli) - Rilski sportist 2011 (Samokov) - CSKA III (Sofia) - FK CSKA 1948 III (Sofia) - Slavia 1913 II (Sofia) - Granit (Vladaya) - Pirin 1941 (Razlog) - Botev 1937 (Ihtiman) - Slivnishki geroy (Slivnitsa) - Kyustendil (Kyustendil) - Bansko team (Bansko) - Oborishte (Panagyurishte) - Vihren (Sandanski) - Pirin 1912 (Gotse Delchev) - Septemvri II (Sofia) bye Round 35 Pirin 1912 (Gotse Delchev) - Bansko team (Bansko) - Oborishte (Panagyurishte) - Slivnishki geroy (Slivnitsa) - Kyustendil (Kyustendil) - Pirin 1941 (Razlog) - Botev 1937 (Ihtiman) - Slavia 1913 II (Sofia) - Granit (Vladaya) - CSKA III (Sofia) - FK CSKA 1948 III (Sofia) - Septemvri (Simitli) - Rilski sportist 2011 (Sam) - Pirin 22 II (Blagoevgrad) - Vitosha (Bistritsa, obl.Sofia st.) - Levski II (Sofia) - Balkan 1929 (Botevgrad) - Septemvri II (Sofia) - Vihren (Sandanski) bye Round 36 Septemvri II (Sofia) - Vitosha (Bistritsa) - Levski II (Sofia) - Rilski sportist 2011 (Samokov) - Pirin 22 II (Blagoevgrad) - FK CSKA 1948 III (Sofia) - Septemvri (Simitli) - Granit (Vladaya) - CSKA III (Sofia) - Botev 1937 (Ihtiman) - Slavia 1913 II (Sofia) - Kyustendil (Kyustendil) - Pirin 1941 (Razlog) - Oborishte (Panagyurishte) - Slivnishki geroy (Slivnitsa) - Pirin 1912 (Gotse Delchev) - Bansko team (Bansko) - Vihren (Sandanski) - Balkan 1929 (Botevgrad) bye Round 37 Vihren (Sandanski) - Slivnishki geroy (Slivnitsa) - Pirin 1912 (Gotse Delchev) - Pirin 1941 (Razlog) - Oborishte (Panagyurishte) - Slavia 1913 II (Sofia) - Kyustendil (Kyustendil) - CSKA III (Sofia) - Botev 1937 (Ihtiman) - Septemvri (Simitli) - Granit (Vladaya) - Pirin 22 II (Blagoevgrad) - FK CSKA 1948 III (Sofia) - Levski II (Sofia) - Rilski sportist 2011 (Samokov) - Septemvri II (Sofia) - Vitosha (Bistritsa) - Balkan 1929 (Botevgrad) - Bansko team (Bansko) bye Round 38 Balkan 1929 (Botevgrad) - Rilski sportist 2011 (Sam) - Septemvri II (Sofia) - FK CSKA 1948 III (Sofia) - Levski II (Sofia) - Granit (Vladaya) - Pirin 22 II (Blagoevgrad) - Botev 1937 (Ihtiman) - Septemvri (Simitli) - Kyustendil (Kyustendil) - CSKA III (Sofia) - Oborishte (Panagyurishte) - Slavia 1913 II (Sofia) - Pirin 1912 (Gotse Delchev) - Pirin 1941 (Razlog) - Vihren (Sandanski) - Slivnishki geroy (Slivnitsa) - Bansko team (Bansko) - Vitosha (Bistritsa, obl.Sofia st.) bye
Results grid
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Balkan 1929 (Botevgrad) XXX -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- 2. Bansko team (Bansko) -:- XXX -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- 3. Botev 1937 (Ihtiman) -:- -:- XXX -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- 4. Vitosha (Bistritsa, obl.Sofia st.) -:- -:- -:- XXX -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- 5. Vihren (Sandanski) -:- -:- -:- -:- XXX -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- 6. Granit (Vladaya) -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- XXX -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- 7. Kyustendil (Kyustendil) -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- XXX -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- 8. Levski II (Sofia) -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- XXX -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- 9. Oborishte (Panagyurishte) -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- XXX -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- 10. Pirin 1912 (Gotse Delchev) -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- XXX -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- 11. Pirin 1941 (Razlog) -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- XXX -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- 12. Pirin 22 II (Blagoevgrad) -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- XXX -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- 13. Rilski sportist 2011 (Samokov) -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- XXX -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- 14. Septemvri (Simitli) -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- XXX -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- 15. Septemvri II (Sofia) -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- XXX -:- -:- -:- -:- 16. Slavia 1913 II (Sofia) -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- XXX -:- -:- -:- 17. Slivnishki geroy (Slivnitsa) -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- XXX -:- -:- 18. FK CSKA 1948 III (Sofia) -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- XXX -:- 19. CSKA III (Sofia) -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- XXX ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- top